
Erbar by Jakob Erbar for Ludwig & Mayer Type Foundry ( 1926 )
ToShorten owes much to the work of Harold Curwen and Jakob Erbar, who namely designed Curwen Sans ( 1911 ) for Curwen Press and Erbar Grotesk ( 1926 ) for Ludwig & Mayer Type Foundry. Both are precursors of the geometric sans-serif genre from the early 20th century. This modern aesthetic featuring letter-shapes based on elementary forms later gained popularity with the work of designers like Edward Johnston ( Johnston, 1916 ), Eric Gill ( Gill Sans, 1926 ) and Paul Renner ( Futura, 1927 ). The font aims to reference the optical balance and overall coherence of these carefully constructed typefaces. With a strong focus on shortening the terminals, hence the name ToShorten, the typeface is based programatically on straight lines and circles, nontheless embeding a series of subtle optical ajustments. Borrowing its vertical proportions to Futura, thus displaying a noticeable difference between the lowercases and the uppercases, ToShorten features both functional and distinctive qualities. The family – actually in expansion – is composed of only a single regular cut, supported by an extremly condensed companion. However, the typefaces duo is already fit for body copy in regular as well as bold applications in condensed. Designed between 2022-2023, first released in 2023.
The Period
To Abridge
To Truncate
To Trim
To Cut
To Pare Down
To Crop
To Cut Down
To Hatchet
To Cut Short.
To abbreviate
To Abridge
To Truncate
To Paraphrase
To Compress
To Condense
To Summarize
To Minute
To Distill
To Recap
To Outline
SHORTEN, v. { short-uhn } [ 1 ] To cause ( something ) to be shorter — If I hem the skirt, I will shorten it about an inch. / I shortened my name to Pat from Patricia. / The severity of her illness shortened her waiting time in the hospital. [ 2 ] To become shorter — in the fall when the days begin to shorten. [ 3 ] linguistics – To cause ( a vowel or syllable ) to be shorter — The sound of /o/ in cone is shortened in its adjective form, conic. [ 4 ] ( of gambling odds ) to decrease or become shorter. { Combinations } [ with adverb ] shorten considerably, significantly shorten, later shortened. [ with subject ] The odds shorten, the day shorten. [ with direct object ] Shorten the time, shorten one’s name, shorten the length, shorten the duration, shorten the journey, shorten the process, shorten the interval [ noun modifier, past participle ] Shortened version, shortened form, shortened season, shortened URL.
Many high-profile players would love this, embracing a shortened season over the current grind. [ Chicago Tribune ] It’s a genetic illness that affects mostly the lungs and pretty much guarantees a shortened lifespan. [ CBC.ca ] Plus, drying your clothes in the fresh air doesn’t risk shrinking them and shortening their lifespan. [ BBC ] This is Local London future in the sport by a man who has seen it all in the shortened form of the game. [ USA TODAY ] The club rejected the claim he had been warned by club officials that binge drinking might shorten his career. [ The Age ] That 9.1 magnitude quake shifted the Earth’s axis by 2.3 milliarcseconds and shortened a day by 6.8 microseconds. [ The Guardian ] The O.C. elections supervisor sent four additional staff members to the arena which dramatically shortened the lines. [ The Washington Post ] Among the poll respondents, 22% said the weather was a major factor in their decision to shorten their visits to the beach. [ Los Angeles Times ] Questions which show a genuine interest in the man behind the wheel both shorten the journey and smooth the passage of kinship. [ The Irish Times ] Politicians have traditionally been quick to criticise television for simplifying complex issues and shortening attention spans. [ The Telegraph ] And separate research had shown that telomeres shorten at a higher rate when exposed to toxins such as radiation or cigarette smoke. [ Times Colonist ] After tinkering with mortgage rules several times, including shortening amortization terms, the government still has a few levers to pull. [ The Globe and Mail ] Barefoot runners choose to land instead on their mid-foot, which turns your feet muscles and calves into shock absorbers, and shortens your stride. [ Calgary Herald ]
- I
- you
- he
- she
- it
- we
- you
- they
- shorten
- shorten
- shortens
- shortens
- shortens
- shorten
- shorten
- shorten
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- shortened
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- will shorten
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
- will had shortened
From short and -en; from Old English sceort, ‘short’; from Germanic skurtaz, ‘short’.
- Access All Alternates ( aalt )
- Case-Sensitive Forms ( case )
- Glyph Composition / Decomposition ( ccmp )
- Fractions ( frac )
- Standard Ligatures ( liga )
- Ordinals ( ordn )
- Proportional Figures ( pnum )
- Stylistic Set 1 ( ss01 )
- Stylistic Set 2 ( ss02 )
- Stylistic Set 3 ( ss03 )
- Stylistic Set 10 ( ss10 )
- Stylistic Set 20 ( ss20 )
- Superscript ( sups )
- Tabular Figures ( tnum )
MS Windows 1252 Western ( Standard Latin )
by ToStudio & INT Studio